3 Reasons to Sing With Kids


Singing increases bonding

When we sing with another person oxytocin, a bonding hormone, is released (Kreutz 2014). Oxytocin is one of the neurotransmitters that give us that warm fuzzy feeling of connection. Studies have shown that the context we sing in and the person we sing with can increase those feeling (Bartz, et al 2011). The bond that you share with the kids in your life can make singing together an even more special experience.

Singing promotes self-regulation

One of the most common reasons people use music is to self-regulate. This is such a valuable skill that you can practicing early with the kids in your life by singing together. Singing has been linked to endorphin release (Clift et al, 2010). Endorphins are connected with feelings of positivity and can also reduce the perception of pain (Harvard Medical School 2021). Singing with the little ones in your life can start to teach them how to integrate coping skills at an early age.

Singing enhances language skills

Music and language are intrinsically linked (Jäncke, 2012). There are similar elements in music and language including: pacing, pitch, context, contour, tonality and more. Music and singing provide opportunities to hear and contextualize sounds and learn new words/phrases. It also supports attending to the sound of the voice over background noise (Strait & Krauss 2011). This is an important aspect in learning, and safety that you can support the kiddos in your life with just by singing to them regularly!


There are so many other great reasons to sing with your kids, so here’s three more:

Singing to kids before bed has been linked to improved sleep quality.

Singing with others improves awareness of self and others.

Singing can strengthen your immune system.

 Written by: Laura A. Fonseca, MT-BC